Saturday, October 4, 2008

Blogging start up blues

Well, yesterday I became a Blogger.
"Everyone is doing it"
I didn't have a clue what I was in for. It is becoming a black hole for my time. Mainly because I have two and the Art blog seems to take most of my time.
I have been admiring my two married daughters blogs for some months now and I decided it was time that I became a bragging Grandma. Don't think that I only plan to talk about my grandchildren (even if they are the cutest ever), but I believe that grandmas have interesting lives as well.
I am from the generation that refuses to get old. I am blessed to still have the dark hair of my youth (with only one or two grays). So I too will go down fighting but I will never dye.


Shawnel said...

Yahoo your first post! Congratulations!

Samurai Mom said...

Mom, you are so funny!